Hanson Park is located at 38 Springfield Ave, Cranford, NJ
Hanson Park Conservancy is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
Township of Cranford
In January of 2004 a small group of Cranford citizens met to discuss the possibilities of restoring this relatively small and very underutilized park which sits on a beautiful stretch of the Rahway River across from the historic Cranford Canoe Club. The property had once been owned by Doctor Hanson, a notable Cranford physician. The parkland around the former Hanson homestead had been neglected for over a decade and was a tangled mass of invasive vines and trees.
The group envisioned a much different park and set out to restore it.
The final phase of the plan calls for aesthetic improvements to the driveway and parking areas as well as streetscape improvements along Springfield Avenue.
About Hanson Park Conservancy
The Woodland Meadow project at Hanson Park was the first in a series of planting and restoration projects aimed at the eradication of invasive species and infill of native and ornamental plants.
Want to use the park for your own event?
To check available dates and apply for a park permit, please contact the Recreation & Parks Department on the Township's website or by calling them directly at 908-709-7283.
Plans for restoration include a butterfly meadow, a central display garden and over 100 mature trees.
The formal garden and event lawns are the ideal settings for weddings, cocktail parties, scouting events and more! Contact Hanson Park Conservancy to check availability.
The Woodland Theatre is an ideal venue for small gatherings and a place to hold program and educational events such as birdwatching, lectures and storytelling.
The evolution of our efforts...
Copyright 2025. Hanson Park Conservancy, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. All Rights Reserved.
​Hanson Park, PO Box 542, Cranford, NJ 07016
Hanson Park is managed and maintained by the Hanson Park Conservancy.